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Key Terms in Pharmaceutical Government Pricing

Key Terms in Pharmaceutical Government Pricing

Key Terms in Pharmaceutical Government PricingPharmaceutical pricing can be a challenge to understand and a difficult landscape to navigate. There are multiple prices set for each individual National Drug Code (NDC) – some publicly available and some not. WAC, ASP,...

PHS/340B Audit Survival Guide

PHS/340B Audit Survival Guide

PHS/340B Audit Survival GuideEven the most disciplined and compliant companies dread receiving a letter or an email informing them of an impending audit. Nobody likes being put under the microscope. It doesn’t take a great deal of imagination to know what it feels...

Avoiding Costly Government Pricing Mistakes

Avoiding Costly Government Pricing Mistakes

Avoiding Costly Government Pricing MistakesBasic steps pharmaceutical manufacturers should employ to avoid erroneous government pricing calculationsManaging Government Pricing (GP) computations can feel a bit like walking through a cave without a flashlight. Even an...